Thursday 1 August 2013

an old friend of mine.

I met my old friend several days ago and have a short coversation with him. Then suddenly he said something I never thought before, and that's really surprised me... 
“... you are the type of person who would not work so hard for something you thought unimportant. I know, that’s you, Nis..."
But then…should I leave everything when it has been already in the middle of the work?
Btw, that day was a not a sweet one, but a fun yet interesting talk with you. It is always fun to know what’s on your mind. Your thoughts, your words,  are always innocent, honest, and straightforward. 
Yeah, thank you, N.

Thank you for making me knows my self better.
"Sometimes people get to know you better than yourself. Sometimes you need a person who could show something you hide." 


*I've removed some words on this post, would be better if I don't write something too personal here :)

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