Wednesday 7 August 2013


Do ya know what day is it today? 7th of August . Yeah, that’s right. But that isn’t what I mean.
Today is the last day in Ramadhan month—in the Islamic calendar—for this year, 2013 or 1434 Hijriyah. Which also means, tommorrow we gonna have an Eid Mubarak! Hari Raya Idul Fitri! We’ll meet 1st of Syawal Month.

I do feel very happy…and sad at the same time.

I don’t know, It just feels so touchy. The romance of ‘takbiran’-night is always a magical yet special thing for me. I just feeling so blue. You know, it’s like you have to be parted with your best friends as you have to go to other city for your college.
Yeah, I do really hate goodbyes because I hate to miss something. Missing something makes you feel uncomfortable. You can do nothing but just wait patiently until the time finally lets you to see the one you miss.
And when the time comes—to see ‘the one’ you've been waiting for—You waste it. Then all you can do is just regretting since you didn’t use your time well.
Yeah, I do regret because I couldn’t use this Barokah Month well :(

Other things that makes me feel so hard to say goodbye to Ramadhan is that I do surely would miss Fasting and dinner moments, Tadarus (Reading Qur’an) together moments, and Mudik moments!
‘Mudik’ means going home. Going back to your hometown and meet your big familes—cousins, aunties, uncles, grandma, grandpa—and other relatives who live there. Mudik has become a must-thing for mostly Indonesian people.

Btw, My family and I are also doing that ‘mudik-thing’. Yeah, we go to my grandma's house in Purwodadi, Jawa Tengah. We’ve been here and this is our first night in Purwodadi.

Let’s start apologizing and forgiving. Let’s start the new- YOU, the better -YOU.
Surely I will always miss every moment in Ramadhan month! 
May Alloh SWT. allow us to see Ramadhan month next year, aamiin…
See you next year, Ramadhan!


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