Monday 1 April 2013

losing something.

"Growing up is about losing things." Quinn Fabray -Glee season 2.

Since the day I started my second semester class.
Frankly, my daily life seems so messy. Theese days.
Everything seems out-of-my plan, but yes, this also because of me.
I do ruin my own schedule. 
Even I had to skip my favorite-even-mood booster-ever: French lesson.
I do regret, even feel so guilty.
But then, again I do the same mistakes. 
"What's wrong with you, Nisrina?" 
I even can't handle myself.
I'm screwed.

Ah, yeah, welcome April!
Even I can't start April with the better one. 
I do really trying to make things better. 
But somehow....
I found out that this seems useless :( 

"Where are you, motivation?"
"I do need you, as soon as possible, even as soon as I wake up tomorrow."

FYI, I've just lost my favorite bracelet from mom.
Today, yes today. 
So yes, better I congratulate my self.
"Congratulations for being so careless! You are the winner!"

unimportant girl,
Miss Nerdy

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