Sunday 25 July 2010

shoot at TVRI with e-club !

Look at this picture!
hehehe :D

My e-club friends and I went to TVRI Semarang last thursday :)
We were invited on a debate show :) It's program's name is Relax.
That was amazing and really unforgettable :D haha. Because it was our first time performed our debate on TV.
Although I'm not the main speaker, but I was happy (?) I mean, I was happy too, haha.
Ok, i think there is something wrong with my brain now -i don't know why- and I can't tell you much about that because it's really a long story *lebay* -_- so, I'll show you the photos...

in front of TVRI building

on the studio before shoot :)

lunch together :D

really love the day :)

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